The Art of Getting Lost
I couldn't decide whether to title this blog post "The Art of Getting Lost" or "Get Lost." There is a taxidermy shop on Essex Road in Islington called "Get Stuffed." When I was a junior art director in advertising my copywriter and I used to call them weekly to hear the guy say: "Get Stuffed' when he answered the phone. He had a rising inflection. We giggled, "No, you get stuffed." Childish, I know. It is one of the reasons I thought this blog should be titled "Get Lost." I haven't written for a while. I hope you are pleased to hear from me again. If you want me to get lost just let me know.
If I am honest, I got lost, lost in the tragedy of life. I am now a very proactive volunteer for @brain_appeal. A charity very close to my heart. Below is some of the artist's work that kindly and wholeheartedly supported me in 2023 for the fundraiser 'A Letter in Mind'. When you nearly lose a child it takes life to a whole new level of sadness that words could never describe. The NHS are my angels. Queens Square Hospital is my place of worship and my son's surgeon is the most humble and intelligent man in the world. I owe him my life.
Nick Grinrod
David Hardy
The day I got the phone call I was in the Royal Academy of Arts looking at Rainstorm over the Sea by Constable. If you know Constable well, you will know this a storm over the sea in Brighton. A phone call and a painting I will never forget. My son is back at Brighton University now, doing well.
I guess there are so many levels to feeling lost. Recently, I picked up my dear friend Clare from Paddington station in my car. She didn't want to jump in the car. Puzzled, I asked why she said: "Do you remember when you reversed down the motorway because we had missed our junction on the way to Leeds?" Panic flashed through my mind. I am still a terrible driver 30 years later. Clare shared this beautiful painting with me one day. Her family took holidays in Kynance in Cornwall. I often wonder if they drove there.
If you follow me on Instagram, you will know I am lost in Bilbao. It's a long story. I am supposed to be in San Francisco now and then visiting dear friends in New Zealand. One meltdown later, I am in Bilbao. Let's say I am no longer friends with British Airways. I am in bed (back friends of Easyjet) overlooking the Guggenheim Bilbao and talking to you.
I thought feeling lost is something new to me, as Clare reminded me, clearly not! Since the boys have left home, I feel adrift. When you have looked after kids for twenty years and suddenly your world is wide open it is a bit strange.
The last few days have been truly grounding. If ever you feel lost, go to an art gallery. It is a space where you can wander around at your own pace, think, breathe and have a moment to contemplate the world surrounded by like minded souls.
There are far more places to read intelligent pieces on the Guggenheim in Bilbao. I am no architecture expert. What I do think is that I have never visited a town before that revolves around an art gallery. The spectacular piece of design and presence is felt by everyone that lives here.
These are the two exhibitions I saw:
Richard Serra – The Matter of Time – La Materia del Tiempo
These HUGE weathered steel pieces reflect the shapes of the building. Well, to me they do. They play with the gallery space as part of the sculptural experience. The viewers were playing with sounds and peepo joyfully amongst the metal.
Richard Serra – The Matter of Time
Picasso Sculptor – Matter and Body – Materia y Cuerpo
Picasso was born in Malaga. This exhibition is to celebrate the 50th year of his death. He uses different materials to represent the human body. They didn't hold well in the huge gallery space. They felt lost, lacking impact. I did fall in love with these tall ladies below. I have a lot of tall men in my life, so it was nice to see some tall ladies.
Pablo Picasso – Picasso the Sculpture
Fantasy gallery wall coming up:
The permanent collection blew my mind, four of my favourite artists in one room. I gasped as I walked in. Rothko, Basquiat, Lee Krasner and CY Twombly all in one room. Take a look at my reel. I visited the Museo Bellas Artes yesterday to take in all the Spanish contemporary pieces. You can see my Instagram reel here.
Mark Rothko – Untitled
Cy Twombly – Nine Discourses on Commodus
Basquiat – Now's the time
Basquiat – Now's the time
Lee Krasner – Palingenesis
After a day like today, I don't feel lost. I feel grounded and centred in my passion for art. I am off to Madrid now. Wish me luck with the journey.
If you would like to collaborate or write content get in touch. I'd love to hear from you.
Much love, Jules x
PS: I stayed at The Hotel Miro: Outstanding with views of the Guggenheim and free gallery tickets!
PPS: These are the places I consumed enough jambon to make Francis Bacon turn in his grave.
@cafeirunabilbao – Buzzing atmosphere and mosaic tiles to die for.
@pesoneto_bilbao – Downtown with a street art walk on the way.
@victormontesbilbao – A bit fancy with nice decor.